When I came to Canada, I had only three words in my English vocabulary: "come", "Canada" and "Belarus". Immediately, I was compelled to learn four more words: "...between Poland and Russia" -- because no one knew not only anything about my country Belarus, but even where it was located.
The fact that I have eagerly wanted to tell my new Canadian friends about one of the nice places of the world where I was born and got my national identity has encouraged me to study English so passionately. Four years passed, and I hope I have enough words in my second vocabulary now, so as to propose you, my new fellow Canadians, my book, a book about my wonderful country Belarus.
Probably, it would be interesting for you to learn that Belarus has its great more than a 1000-year history, respective rich culture, beautiful literature and arts, which have been created by its talented, imaginative people. Fate appointed the exact middle of Europe for its location, which has determined its difficult tragic destiny. The intersection of the important trade ways was always considered as an advantageous piece of land by its neighbors, for Belarus has never lacked enemies and has been constantly forced to fight for its independence and identity: not only did they tried to acquire our land, but also compelled us to change our culture, language and lifestyle, which has implanted so many problems in the issue of our existence as a nation in this world until the very current time.
But not that I"m going to write a geographical and historical guide for tourists -- they are already exist. I aim to acquaint you with my people. I mean - with their culture; in particular, their world outlook and mentality. I want to open the soul of my people for you, and I think literature is the best way to do it. I hope that through the chosen, different in kinds and genres, pieces of writing, you can understand and come to love these really peaceful, tolerant and merry people, the people with their heroic history and poetic spirit. To love this forest land, rich in legends and songs.
Toronto, 2004
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